Tuesday, January 29, 2019

summary 18

In the story Sweetie by Kate Klimo,describes a hunting dogs life and struggles. The main character
Sweetie, just wants to help the human find food. So, Sweetie is trained to hunt and her owners end
up being very proud. The problem is Sweetie is blind making it 10 times more difficult for her to find
any type of food, some dogs that's even hard just to find their own. But eventually the humans
realized with her disability she can still do a lot.

summary 17

In the story Buddy by Kate Klimo claims a street dog's life. The main character Buddy has a hard
life in the beginning he was born in the street with his mother and three brothers and two sisters.
He learned you have to fight for your food and there's no way around humans are all bad, just bad,
bad, bad. When a little girl Lucy came by she saw the puppy and picked up Buddy he was very
uncomfortable and his mother came over. Truly all he wanted was a family and he got one with
his mother and brothers and sisters a little girl took in the puppies and the  mom.

Friday, January 25, 2019

summary 16

In the story Ginger by Kate Klimo describes a farm dog's life. The story’s main character Ginger.  Ginger wants something more than just to be a cattle dog so she runs off but the owners always catch her and eventually they put up a fence when she escapes. She finds this cottage and stayed there then they treated her like a proper dog should be treated. At the end she stayed at the cottage and she was very happy there.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

summary 15

In the story Calvino by Whitney Sanders describes a horse’s hard work and saving his kingdom. A horse named Calvino an Andalusian stallion has to lead his owner / King into battle. Including all the horses in the Kingdom. Calvino the main character of the story and the narrator wanted it to live with his family and fight for his kingdom, so he decided to sneak into the Army horses training session. With much perseverance he got there except for one thing, people didn't even know there's an Andalusians in the world so they kicked him out. They persevered a horse named  Hola taught him the simple moves and things. Then he went to the humans they let him in now he's in battle with his her kingdom.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

summary 17

In the story Buddy by Kate Klimo claims a street dog's life. The main character Buddy has a hard
life in the beginning he was born in the street with his mother and three brothers and two sisters.
He learned you have to fight for your food and there's no way around humans are all bad, just
bad, bad, bad. When a little girl Lucy came by she saw the puppy and picked up Buddy he was
very uncomfortable and his mother came over. Truly all he wanted was a family and he got one
with his mother and brothers and sisters a little girl took in the puppies and the  mom.

summary 16

In the story Ginger by Kate Klimo describes a farm dog's life. The story’s main character Ginger.  Ginger wants something more than just to be a cattle dog so she runs off but the owners always catch her and eventually they put up a fence when she escapes. She finds this cottage and stayed there then they treated her like a proper dog should be treated. At the end she stayed at the cottage and she was very happy there.

summary 13

In the story Penny Horse Diaries by Whitney Sanders describes a young Mustangs life. Penny the main character wanted to just run free with her herd, but Indians caught her. She didn't mind since she saw this coming. Her father and mother were also caught before she was eating proper food.So when Penny got caught it was expected but when thieves came along and she got carried away what changed she was not allowed to even go outside she was stuck inside a type of pin with the rest of the horses. Penny eventually escaped with much of a struggles  now she runs in a different heard from her original but she's happy.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Book 12

In the story Risky Chance by Allison Hart describes a horse that just wants to run life. Risky Chance  the main character of the story just wants to run and feel the free air in his main with his friends .Until the humans come and discover him. One of the fastest horses in the world will be captured and held in a stall. Risky can't do anything but suffer knowing that everyone else can run and his talent is holding him back. Risky Chance ends up being able to go and run with his friends and still be able to race all the humans realized all he wanted to do was be with his friends race and have fun they allowed him to race and have fun while they still used him as a racing horse.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Book 11

In the story Lily Horse Diaries by Whitney Sanderson, describes a horse named Lily who just wants
to impress her owner and be free from the Slaughterhouse, fortunately the main character Lily
can't do either without fighting and struggling. The  main thought is you have to suffer to enjoy
at least that's what Lily's mother used to say, eventually the lady breaks out of the stall of that
she was being held in. And find her way running thousands of miles to try to find the one
person that can make her happy.

Book 30

In the book  Absolutely Normal Chaos shows life is full of surprises. Mary Lou  the main character of the story expected nothing to happe...