Monday, February 4, 2019

summary 20

In the story Dash by Kate Klimo  explains a dog's life traveling. Dash the main character, travels
with her owner she was born with his owner so she did it. Dash loved adventuring new valleys,
plains, mountains, and canyons. But all she wanted to do was stay in one Village, City or even
Kingdom for a little while. They were venturing through some Villages a little girl found her and
pick her up Dash ran away with her.  They ended up being best friends so Dash stayed our
dream came true.

summary 19

In the story Sunny by Kate Klimo  explains a small dog rescue in the human. The main character
Sunny goes on the Titanic with her owner. She just wanted a nice family vacation, instead she got
a rescue mission. She had to save the kids and that ship. Sunny luckily saved all the kids with
some human help, and everyone lived including Sunny.

Book 30

In the book  Absolutely Normal Chaos shows life is full of surprises. Mary Lou  the main character of the story expected nothing to happe...